Laboratorium Spawalnicze
“GAMMA-MONTEX” Sp. z o. o.
42-202 Częstochowa
ul. Bór 112
Tax ID: 5730116410
District Court in Częstochowa
National Court Register number KRS: 0000215235
phone no.: +48 668 389 005
phone no.: +48 608 481 484
Non-destructive testin:
phone no.: +48 668 345 331
Destructive testing:
phone no.: +48 603 277 855
Acting in accordance with the requirements laid down in Article 32c(2) of the Act of 29 November 2000 - Nuclear Law (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1941), as amended in Journal of Laws of 2022, item 974, we hereby inform that no adverse effects of the business operations on human health or on the environment have been discovered during the last 12 months and there were no radioactive substance releases to the environment in connection with the operations.
Complaints regarding the Laboratory’s operations are received and investigated in accordance with the PO07 procedure. Complaints can be filed in writing to the company’s official address or e-mail.
All complaints will be handled within 14 days.